Bid Specifications
In this section, you will find a comprehensive description of the specific project for which bids are being solicited. It includes details such as project name, location, scope of work, and any relevant drawings or technical specifications.
In this section, you will find Rend Lake Conservancy District Forms that may be downloaded and completed.
Employment Opportunities
In this section, you will find job descriptions, requirements, and applications for employment opportunities at RLCD.
Employee Portal
Secure and user-friendly portal for employees of Rend Lake Conservancy District.
Plans and Studies
In this section, you will find information regarding future development plans and studies for District property.
Contact Info
Admin Office: 618-439-4321
Email: accounting@rendlake.org
Rend Lake Conservancy District PO Box 907 11231 Marcum Branch Road Benton, IL 62812

Contact Info
Rend Lake Conservancy District PO Box 907
11231 Marcum Branch Rd Benton, IL 62812
Admin Phone: (618) 439-4321
Admin Fax: (618) 439-2400
Water Billing: (618) 439-4321
Golf Complex: (800) 999-0977