The Rend Lake map provides a comprehensive guide, highlighting the various recreational facilities, trails, points of interest, and amenities available, ensuring visitors can navigate and make the most of their time exploring the expansive and diverse offerings of Rend Lake.

1. Farm 5317, Tract 8729 (Jefferson County)
2. Farm 7148, Tract 9955 (Jefferson County)
3. Farm 563, Tract 375
4. Farm 563, Tract 377
5. Farm 563, Tract 382
6. Farm 1249, Tract 393
7. Farm 1252, Tract 662 Except south 20 acres leased to FREDCO
AND Farm 4934, Tract 18713
8. Farm 3148, Tract 657
9. Farm 3148, Tract 661
10. Farm 3148, Tract 17538 (excluding field 1)
11. Farm 3457, Tract 89
12. Farm 3457, Tract 97
13. Farm 3457, Tract 100
14. Farm 3457, Tract 112
15. Farm 3457, Tract 390 (Row crop and hay)
16. Farm 3457, Tract 17540 (except shot fall area)
17. Farm 3457, Tract 17674 (Jefferson County)
Maps provided for reference are USDA maps.

Contact Info
Rend Lake Conservancy District PO Box 907
11231 Marcum Branch Rd Benton, IL 62812
Admin Phone: (618) 439-4321
Admin Fax: (618) 439-2400
Water Billing: (618) 439-4321
Golf Complex: (800) 999-0977